Free Money

Refer-a-friend and receive £100 for EVERY introduction you make!

Gift box wrapped in an English pound with a red bow

Why not refer friends, family or colleagues to Frog Financial Management?

We guarantee to pay you £100 for everyone you refer to us who we subsequently complete business with, what could be easier?

If you think someone you know could benefit from a no-obligation introduction to Frog Financial Management, then just get in touch.

We realise that when you recommend us, you stake your reputation, therefore, we shall always follow up your referrals quickly and keep you informed.

Get referring now and watch the £££’s start coming in!

By submitting these details you confirm the person(s) referred to Frog Financial Management by you, are aware of this referral and are expecting Craig Scott to contact them.

By submitting these details you confirm the person(s) referred to Frog Financial Management by you, are aware of this referral and are expecting Craig Scott to contact them.

This payment is subject to successful completion of business with your referral(s). This offer is available until further notice.

Our range of Processing and Administration fees, payable should you ask us to arrange your mortgage, payable on application, are £395.00 for arranging a Residential or Buy-to-let mortgage, £595.00 for arranging a ‘Limited Company’ buy-to-let mortgage or £595.00 for arranging a Portfolio Landlord buy-to-let mortgage. A ‘Portfolio Landlord’ is defined as client(s) having four or more buy-to-let properties (mortgaged or mortgage free), on completion of this mortgage transaction. If your mortgage does not go ahead, you will receive a refund of 50% of the fee payable if your application falls through.

To see how easy it is to get involved with our Free Money Incentive
Gaming Father and Son
Family stacking hands and having fun
Shopping spree