Putting a plan in action for if the worst happens

Did you know there has been a 30% increase in Britons seeking to write new wills since the outbreak?*

With this in mind, I wanted to go through some key points of why wills are so important. So without further ado, here are five reasons you should consider a will.


Be in complete control

By deciding on a Will, you can choose who will benefit from your estate and what they are entitled to. You can also even decide who will administer your affairs after your death.


To avoid problems or disputes

When we refer to disputes, this relates to certain people who apply to court to challenge the provision if they deem it unfair. With a will, there is little room for debating.


Less stressful

It is quicker, cheaper, and less stressful to administer an estate where there is a will. This is because, in the case you pass away with no will in place, your estate may need to spend money  to find any lost or unknown relatives.


Look after your children

With a will you can nominate someone to act as a guardian for your children and you can also record your funeral wishes in your will. This helps provide guidance for your loved ones when you are gone.


But what about my pets?

Pets can also be looked after in your will, you can create a gift in your Will, leaving your pet to a someone you know will look after them, you can even include a cash gift to cover looking after your pet.


*To make a will, you must be aged 18 or over, and if you’d like to learn more about wills, please get in touch!


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