Do you worry that you may not get access to the best medical care?

The NHS provides comprehensive treatment to anyone. Regardless of their ability to pay. However, with extended wait times and limitations of what’s available. Private care can bridge the gap.

Health insurance covers planned consultations, treatments, and operations. But you may need to watch out for creeping expenses. We explain how it works, what to watch out for. And how to keep costs as low as possible.

First step. Familiarise yourself with the different types of health insurance plans. Such as private medical insurance (PMI), health cash plans, and critical illness cover. Understand what each plan covers. Including hospital treatments, specialist consultations, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and therapies.

Next step. Evaluate your healthcare needs and preferences to determine the level of coverage you require. Consider all factors. Like age, medical history, existing conditions, family health history, preferred hospitals or specialists, and budget.

Finally. Select a health insurance plan that aligns with your healthcare needs and budget. Look for plans that offer comprehensive coverage. Access to a wide network of hospitals and healthcare providers. Timely appointments and specialist consultations. Plus, additional benefits such as wellness programs or mental health support.

Looking to reduce your fees?

If you already have cover, try haggling to reduce costs. Health insurance premiums aren’t fixed. The price can rise over time, usually annually. (Before you know it, they are higher than when you started!) A comparison can often reveal huge savings. Which is great if you’ve never claimed.

But most providers won’t accept you if you have ‘pre-existing conditions’. It may be better to stick with your current insurer to remain covered. If you have existing conditions that a new insurer wouldn’t cover, try asking for a better deal.

Or make the most of your current policy! Take advantage of any additional benefits or services your health insurance plan offers. Such as wellness screenings, health assessments, and preventive care. Or discounts on health-related products or services.

Stay informed about your health insurance coverage, benefits, updates, and policy changes. Be proactive in managing your healthcare needs. Schedule regular check-ups. And seeking medical advice when necessary.

Want more details? Contact us to learn how to make your policy work better for you.