Standalone Children’s & Adults’ Personal Accident Plans (Hive)

All ready for the tennis this month! Do you have your racquets and balls ready to go? What about insurance?

Have you thought of personal accident plans for your children? It’s not something you like to think about, but it’s on all parents’ minds. Whether it’s watching your little one save a goal, seeing them master the double flip on the balance bar, or perfecting their backhand without a ball to the head!

Adding a personal accident plan means you’ll have the best care available for your child, ensuring ultimate peace of mind and protection.

As we all know, the benefits of sports outweigh the risks. Getting children involved in sports is great for their development. It also teaches them about health and fitness. They’ll learn important life lessons along the way and form new friendship groups.

But with any physical activity, there is always an element of danger. While your club or school will be doing all they can to protect your child, accidents can still happen.

From broken bones to serious life-changing injuries, whenever your child is injured, it can disrupt family life and hit your pocket hard.

Hive’s new Personal Accident Plan pays lump sum benefits from a range of injuries – with premiums starting from £8.34 a month. It’s great value and an essential consideration for any parent with children who take part in organised sports. Most sports are covered, with the option to include motorsports, for fast and simple affordable cover.

While we are here, if you are an adult who plays sports, do you also have personal accident sports cover?

When you take part in sport, your body’s on the line and at risk of injury. And when an injury happens, it can cost you financially as well as physically. For instance, you may need some time off work to recover. You may also need help getting around. That’s not to mention the repairs to equipment that you need to pay for and the possibility of having to buy brand-new gear to replace anything that can’t be fixed.

The costs involved in a sports accident can be enough to put you off the sport altogether. But, taking out specific insurance can allow you to simply enjoy your sport, safe in the knowledge that if a serious accident takes place, you’ll get money to help with your costs.

Premiums start from as little as £20 a month.

Get in touch today to see if we can help you take out the most suitable policy for you – 01494 358 835
