Even if you think you’re invincible, an untimely death could occur, so do take measures to protect your family.

For example, if there isn’t a Guardianship arrangement in place to protect your young children – and, for example, both parents sadly perish in a car accident – then the children may have to initially go into Care!

The simplest way to protect against this is through a Will, or by having a Guardianship letter in place, both of which will set out your wishes, and whom you want to appoint as their guardian.

Similar circumstances might occur if a couple aren’t married and the mother dies and hasn’t previously granted parental rights.

Yet just over half of all UK parents, with children under 18, have made no will.

Despite the fact that dying Intestate (without a Will) may mean that your estate might not go to the people you intended; or in a way where it may not be shared out as you would have wished.


A Trust is another legal arrangement, which could benefit children, along with other dependants. For example, it can ensure that life policies are paid out speedily to the beneficiaries.

It can also protect beneficiaries who might be too young to handle their affairs. Or, it could potentially enable you to ring fence any payout to help reduce a future inheritance Tax liability.

Not all protection policies should be written in trust, so do take advice.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Will writing, Taxation or Trust advice.