How to access help, while supporting an overburdened healthcare system

Are you one of the many who are still awaiting care that’s not related to the pandemic?

New data from BMA* indicates that the shutdown of most non-COVID-19 services in the first wave, combined with drastic changes in patient behaviour, mean the NHS is now facing a large backlog of non-COVID-19 care, storing up greater problems for the future.

Alongside a growing backlog of care, according to this data:

  • The proportion of patients with cancer receiving treatments and appointments is lower than pre-pandemic.
  • Long waits for specialist treatment have skyrocketed, with the overall median waiting time for treatment and the number of patients waiting over 18 weeks for treatment continuing to increase slightly in November.

Private medical insurance is designed to offer treatment alongside the service provided by the NHS. For example, appointments with your GP would still be through the NHS, but with medical insurance you could get access to:

  • Treatment sooner
  • A choice of where you get treatment
  • A private room
  • A wider range of treatment types

Talk to us to find out which private medical insurance options are right for you
