Equity Release and your bill busting options

As we approach the winter months, it inevitably gets colder and we’re all looking for ways to keep warm. But putting the heating on or using our electric to keep toasty is coming with significantly higher bills and many are struggling to afford the huge increases so what other options are there?

For the most at-risk groups such as the older generation, young children, those with illnesses and other vulnerabilities this can be an especially daunting time, despite the help on offer. This comes alongside the general ‘cost-of-living crisis’ and as we watch the costs increase in most areas of our lives, there could be a few options available to help tackle the increases.

For those over 55, could there be another solution in releasing equity locked up in the value of their property?

Those who fit the eligibility criteria for a lifetime mortgage, could be utilising funds to replace and upgrade boilers to improve energy efficiency, they could be looking at greener more efficient energy options such a solar energy or even looking to offset the bill increases on their standard heating options.

Furthermore, the intergenerational wealth released from the property could be shared among loved ones to aid their abilities to afford the energy cost hikes.

The most common equity release deals are mortgage-based products that are loans secured against your home. Typically, there are no monthly repayments – the loan, including the built-up interest, is repaid from the sale of the property when you die or go into long-term care. These are known as lifetime mortgages.

Utilising Equity Release products can help to ensure those over 55, are not risking going without heating, food, or other essentials where they may otherwise have to make sacrifices to ensure they can afford the basics.

While Equity Release is an increasingly flexible and therefore popular product that can help offset the cost-of-living crisis for many, it can have drawbacks and doesn’t necessarily offer a solution that will save money in the long-term, so it’s vital that independent advice is secured when considering this product.

We are available to discuss your needs regarding your finances in the current climate, so please do get in touch for a no obligation conversation.

Please call 01923 718881

This is a lifetime mortgage. To understand the features and risks, please ask for a personalised illustration. Check that this mortgage will meet your needs if you want to move or sell your home, or you want your family to inherit it. If you are in any doubt, seek independent advice.