Later Life Jetsetters

Many of us have spent years aiming towards a financially secure retirement, where we can sit back and relax and enjoy some down time with loved ones. Unfortunately, the rising costs of living and pension shortfalls mean we’re not as able to enjoy our latter years as we may have hoped- never mind indulging in travel and downtime abroad.

That’s where equity release could help. Releasing funds locked up in your home could help you to secure your finances and indulge in some travelling.
Have you considered unlocking the equity in your property so you can jet off somewhere hot and sunny? Or are you ready to don the skis and speed of down the Alps?

Either way, if you’re over 55 and looking at ways to ensure you enjoy your retirement years, why not speak to a qualified equity release adviser with us and see if equity release could be a solution for you.

In the meantime, here a few ideas for holidays to get you started:

  • A Caribbean Cruise – can you imagine yourself sailing aboard a luxury ship, travelling the world and visiting islands of unparalleled beauty? Taking a cruise consistently features in top 10 lists of retirement dream holidays.
  • An African Safari – if your passion is big cats and wild creatures then you could use the capital locked away in your home to fund the ultimate safari adventure and see some of the world’s most beautiful and majestic animals in their natural habitat.
  • Set sail around the Galápagos Islands – if you have always dreamed of seeing seals, dolphins and penguins in the wild then this could be a perfect retirement trip for you.
  • Soak up the winter sun in Australia – winter can be bitterly cold in the UK so why not spoil yourself with a tour of Australia? See the Sydney opera house, meet the incredible wildlife and explore the unspoiled outback well your friends and family freeze back at home!
  • One big trip or many mini breaks? If you have always planned to travel in your retirement then you may not want to limit yourself to one big holiday. Many people choose to spend the equity released from their properties on taking a number of shorter breaks or use the money to buy a caravan or motor home to enable them to continue to travel for years to come.
  • Reunions – Many people have family and friends dotted around the world but the expense of travel means that they are rarely able to see each other in person. If you have a brother in Canada, a best friend in America or a daughter in Australia then taking equity release could enable you to organise the reunion of a lifetime.

If you think equity release could suit you and your needs, get in touch today for a no-obligation conversation.

This is a lifetime mortgage. To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration. Check that this mortgage will meet your needs if you want to move or sell your home or you want your family to inherit it. If you are in any doubt, seek independent advice.